Trout Identification



The Trout Species That Patrol Colorado’s Waters

Colorado is home to a wide range of native and non-native trout species, each as striking in appearance and beautiful as the next. From the native firetruck-red cutthroat trout that live in stunning high alpine lakes, to the creamily spotted brown trout that crush streamers in large rushing rivers, there are enough trout species and water types to target them in to keep even the most avid Colorado angler. On this page, we will detail each of the numerous trout species anglers have the chance to catch on a fly rod in Colorado.

The Rainbow Trout: Well-Known and Well-Loved

The rainbow trout is an angler favorite in Colorado due to the abundance and beauty of this species. They can be found in almost all of Colorado's rivers, and are as feisty when hooked as they are willing to take dry flies or streamers.

The Brown Trout: A Powerful Challenge

Brown trout are a prized species in Colorado due to their elusiveness and brute strength. Brown trout are picky eaters, making them difficult to fool with dries, nymphs, or streamers. Once hooked, browns are ferocious fighters. They are known to grow to massive sizes, making them the perfect trophy trout species.

The Brook Trout: A Beautiful Species

Known for the vibrant and elaborate patterns that adorn the sides of their bodies, brook trout are feisty eaters that can often be found in very cool, high-alpine mountain streams. They are often very willing to take any dry fly that plops down above them and are a blast to catch on light-weight fly rods like 2- and 3-weights.

The Tiger Trout: A Striking Hyrid Species

A tiger trout is a rare and prized combination of brook and brown trout, combining the striking beauty of both species into a speckled and gorgeous body pattern. Tiger trout occur very rarely in the wild and are usually found in very cold mountain lakes. Catching one is a true feat, and checks off a big bucket-list item for many Colorado anglers.

The Cutthroat Trout: Colorado’s Native Gem

The only trout species native to Colorado, cutthroat trout are revered for their striking beauty and elusiveness. Often found in high alpine mountain lakes (think 10,000 feet and above), cutthroat trout develop a bright red color on almost their entire bodies during spawning season, making them truly a sight to see. There are three cutthroat trout subspecies native to Colorado: The Colorado River Cutthroat, the Greenback Cutthroat, and the San Juan Cutthroat. Additionally, the Snake River Cutthroat, native to Wyoming and Idaho, can be found in some of Colorado’s rivers like the South Platte, and even the Rio Grande Cutthroat can be found in some parts of the state.

Colorado’s Waterways

Colorado has a fascinating variety of trout-holding waterways. From front-range gems like the Arkansas and South Platte Rivers, to deeper mountain rivers and streams like the Gunnison River. Colorado's stunning high-alpine lakes above the treeline hold the dazzling native cutthroat trout, and the myriad of gorgeous rivers and streams paint a pretty line in the beautiful Centennial State, while filled to bursting with stunningly lively trout.

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